Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Adam Ginsberg Speedlings

Adam Ginsberg Speedlings

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Adam Ginsberg Scam or Real Deal?

Since attending Adam Ginsbergs' seminar today in Collins St, Melbourne, I have been surfing the internet for hours looking for some REAL answers!

Today he introduced to the group a new software called Speedlings. The Software promises to build websites within a minute and connects you to big internet corporations such as Google, Ebay, Commission Junction and Amazon. The products are 'magically' placed on your site and promoted on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Myspace. Blogs, articles and videos from Youtube are automatically updated everyday for the site, aswell as being submitted to 160 search engines. This Software promises to make an average person MILLIONS of dollars. I would love for you to leave a comment if you have tried the software or any other comments.

It all seemed too good to be true! He then gave us all a presentation of his own Speedlings account and went through the steps. It was real BUT when he showed us the revenue instantaneously come through, it was primarily from his Twitter account followers clicking his link. Adam Ginsberg has thousands of followers!

I don't know if this would work for your average person, and there was alot of unanswered questions. When the price of  $3,998 for the normal package was announced and the $12,000 (3 installments of $3,998) for the unlimited Speedlings account. I was sort of shocked and I guess untrusting. I wanted to do my own research of this product. I would love to see an average person have success with it before I invest such a large amount of money.

If this software is legitimate he is almost set to be the next Bill Gates!